24/7 Access
Complete your online training 24/7. Training is self-directed.
Earn Certificates
Earn a certificate of training for completing your required annual CACFP training.
Any Location
Complete your training from any location. All you need is Internet access.
Online Course Catalog

CACFP Annual Training for Centers 2024-2025 (ITAV-210)
CACFP Annual Training for Child Care Centers is a 3 hour comprehensive online course designed to provide annual required training for sponsors participating in the CACFP.

Family Style Meal Service – Building Better, Healthier, Menus and Eating Habits (ITAV-514)
Family style meal service has the opportunity to teach children so much more than just how to eat. Learn the benefits of family style meal service, best practices to incorporate it into your meal service option, and what you must do to maintain CACFP Compliance. In addition, participants will learn best practices for conversations starters around the meal table, how to encourage staff to role model positive eating behaviors, and what equipment is need for family style meal service success.

Exploring and Eliminating Choking Hazards in CACFP Menu Planning (ITAV-520)
Did you know that choking is the 4th leading cause of death for children under age 5? Have you ever thought about what might be a choking hazard in your CACFP Menu? In this engaging one hour study, participants will learn common food choking hazards, explore cooking methods to prevent choking hazards, and learn best practice service methods to prevent choking in their child care setting.

Navigating Special Dietary Needs (ITAV-512)
CACFP sponsors may need to modify planned meals in order to accommodate participants with disabilities or special dietary needs. This course summarizes the responsibilities sponsors have when accommodating participants’ meal requests. The course also discusses medical statements, meal pattern requirements, and accommodating non-disabling special dietary needs.

Spice It Up! Infusing Flavor In Your CACFP Menus (ITAV-510)
Are your meals lackluster? Want to increase flavor, decrease plate waste, and increase meal consumption without making a huge impact to your budget? Step into the world of flavor, spices and seasonings! Take a trip through the herb garden and around the seasoning world while learning how to incorporate herbs and spices into your CACFP menus.

Getting Everyone on the Same Plate: Teaching Teachers About the Child and Adult Care Food Program (ITAV-503)
This training is all about the Child and Adult Care Food Program or CACFP. The course covers topics such as what the CACFP program is and what it does, who is eligible to sponsor or offer the CACFP and which children are eligible to participate or receive meals through the program. In addition, the course covers CACFP meal patterns, how to accommodate children with disabilities that affect the diet and recordkeeping requirements that are important for everyone involved with the CACFP to be aware of – even teachers!